
FlagsAttribute in TypeScript

Mar 22, 2023

I discovered a neat trick I while reading TypeScript's source code.

.NET developers call it FlagsAttribute.

enum ColorFlags {
  None = 0,
  Red = 1 << 0,
  Yellow = 1 << 1,
  Purple = 1 << 2,
  Blue = 1 << 3,
  Brown = 1 << 4,

This little snippet has a lot going on, so let's unpack it

The << symbol is the left shift operator. It takes the binary representation of the value on the left and shifts every bit N-times where N is the number on the right.

const a = 5; // 00000101
a << 1 === 10; // 00001010
a << 2 === 20; // 00010100
a << 3 === 40; // 00101000

If we use 1 as the left operand, something interesting happens: we get the powers of two. This means that the binary representation of the number will have only one bit set to 1, and the rest will be zero.

1 << 0; // 00000001
1 << 1; // 00000010
1 << 2; // 00000100
1 << 3; // 00001000

This means that the initial snippet could be rewritten as this:

enum ColorFlags {
  None = 0,
  Red = 1,
  Yellow = 2,
  Purple = 4,
  Blue = 8,
  Brown = 16,

The question is: why do this?

Imagine we want to allow only some colors to be used and that the list of allowed colors is dynamic—perhaps passed as a configuration object. Then, we can use the bitwise OR | operator to code this:

const AllowedColors = ColorFlags.Red | ColorFlags.Yellow | ColorFlags.Blue;
// 0001 | 0010 | 1000 = 1011

Let's say that we get a color as a parameter, and we want to do something if this color is Red, but only if Red is one of the allowed colors. We can now do this:

if ((AllowedColors & color) === ColorFlags.Red) {
  // do something

If color is allowed, the bitwise AND & will return its code; otherwise, it will return zero, which we mapped to the value None in our enum.

Here you can see this technique being used in TypeScript's codebase: types.ts