
Make your tests fail on network requests with MSW

Jun 15, 2023

This won't work. It will only console.error the unhandled requests:

import { setupServer } from "msw/node";

const mockServer = setupServer();

beforeAll(() => {
  mockServer.listen({ onUnhandledRequest: "error" });

You can use this workaround:

import { setupServer } from "msw/node";

const mockServer = setupServer();

let unhandledRequests = [];
beforAll(() => {
    onUnhandledRequest: (req) => {
      unhandledRequests.push(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);

beforeEach(() => {
  unhandledRequests = [];

afterEach(() => {

The error message will contain an array with all the unhandled requests.